Grails is a Rapid Application Development web framework inspired from Ruby on Rails. Grails runs on Java's Virtual Machine (JVM) and relies on Groovy - a JVM compatible language. Grails is one of the fastest growing RAD (Rapid Application Development) web frameworks.
Grails provides a no ceremony, Convention over Configuration framework that increases the developer's productivity by multiple times.
In a traditional Java project, one spends weeks writing the initial code to set up the infrastructure but that can be done in a matter of couple of hours with Groovy and Grails. The Speed and Productivity that it gives you is incredible. Development with Grails is not like traditional Java development. Some of the advantages that are associated with Grails are scaffolding, auto reloading of classes (change code, click refresh in browser to see the change), unparalleled testing support, and GORM - greatest of all database abstraction layers.
Grails has provided a solid solution to Java community who can now develop applications with the speed of Rails and at the same time capitalize on the robustness of Java.
Grails follows a DRY (Do Not Repeat Yourself) principle which enables an accommodation of requirements changes with a breeze. Extensive plugins (there are around 500 plugins), vibrant Grails community & extensive online documentation is a big plus and helps developers not to get stuck on any issue for more than a few hours. Its intuitiveness helps speed up the productivity of team members new to Grails framework.
Grails is now being used by companies such as LinkedIn, Pepsi,,, Aegeon etc.
There is no denying the fact that current adoption of Grails is nowhere near to Rails or Django, leading RAD web frameworks but at the same time, growth of Grails is astonishing.
Grails is now in the making of a main stream technology & RoR of Java world. G2One, the company behind Groovy and Grails was acquired by SpringSource in Nov 2008 and SpringSource was later acquired by VMware which speaks volumes about the growth and importance of Groovy and Grails.
Why Choose Groovy and Grails for Web Application Development?
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